The CSC Learning Center delivers knowledge, training and technical assistance through innovative and dynamic online platforms. We create interactive environments for learning through live sessions, content recordings, and self-directed and blended courses.
Creating a Free Account:
To begin, create a free account by clicking on “register” on the righthand navigation at the top of the page. When you register for an account, you will be asked to create a username and password that you will then use to log-in to the Learning Center to enroll in courses.
Available Courses:
ELD Coordinators’ Training
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours (or more)
This PDE-developed interactive self-paced tutorial provides an overview of all responsibilities associated with the role of district/school ELD coordinator. It provides participants with a self-assessment and plan template in each area to help fulfill these responsibilities. It also supplies links to associated guidance documents, systems needed to perform necessary tasks, and personnel who provide can support and assistance. It is intended for educators who are new to the position, but it can also serve as a refresher for those who have held the position for some time. Educators who complete this course may receive Act 48 credit for doing so. A certificate will be awarded upon completion.
EL Screening, Identification, and Placement Process
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
This PDE-developed interactive self-paced online tutorial covers the screening, identification, and placement of ELs. It walks through the procedure in detail for both pre-K and K-12 outlined in the guidance documents. It is designed for all personnel who are involved in the enrollment process for ELs and any other educators or administrators who wish to learn more about the process. Educators who complete this course may receive Act 48 credit for doing so. A certificate will be awarded upon completion.
EL Accountability and the Future Ready PA Index
The English Language Proficiency Indicator is one of two on-track measures, along with Chronic Absenteeism (reported as Regular Attendance), that also serves as federal accountability indicators. This indicator provides a view of English learner growth toward, and on-time attainment of, English language proficiency as measured by the ACCESS for ELLs. English learners are expected to attain proficiency in English within a six-year span; however, this timeline can be less depending on initial proficiency level. Performance on this indicator will be calculated and depicted for all schools that meet the minimum student group size of 20 eligible English learners.
Calculating Individual English Learner Student Targets and Analyzing Student Growth
This tutorial provides an overview of the rationale for the state EL accountability calculation method, how to calculate individual EL growth/attainment targets, how to set school and district targets, how to determine individual student versus program needs, general considerations for EL data analysis, and understanding the growth to target reports. This is a self-paced asynchronous resource. Act 48 credits will not be offered for this tutorial at this time.
Reclassification, Monitoring and Re-Designation of ELs
Estimated time to complete is 2 hours.
This online asynchronous training is meant to support districts in making EL reclassification decisions. The EL Reclassification Tutorial will overview the reclassification policies and the completion of reclassification rubrics and cover sheets. Participants will also walk through an example of calculating student scores using the language use inventories rubrics, utilize the online reclassification tool for completing rubrics and generating data files, and uploading the master data file to generate individual student cover sheets. Educators who complete this course may receive Act 48 credit for doing so. A certificate will be awarded upon completion.